05 October 2010

William's 2nd Birthday - 3 Oct. 2010

William was Spoiled (note the capital "S") for his 2nd birthday. We celebrated with Maman, Papa, Eve, & Anne - joyful. He was far more fascinated by the musical candle than the homemade mini-cake.


RhubarbLady said...

Happy Birthday, William! (Although I would have been far more interested in the cake!) (What kind did you make?) And I approve of the puzzles. We just finished a 750 piece puzzle that I'll post about soon. Got to work both of those hemispheres in the brain!

Rachel Lemblé said...

The recipe was a basic yellow cake from Grandma Nita. I modified it a bit and added 1/2 C raspberry yogurt and 1/2 C slivered almonds. I frosted it with fresh whipping cream and raspberries. William loves bi-lateral brain development! (I love that he's self-entertained...) R