30 March 2009

A Perfect 10 Dressed to the 9's

So happy, so handsome...
Aunt Leah and I have had "adjoined" closets for years. In our teen years we composed "Hot Date Outfits - HDO's" William's HDO is smokin' thanks again to Leah's lending. (If only you could see the grey pin striping detail on the socks and patten-leather shoes!)

23 March 2009

So close to crawling

It occurs to me that when he does crawl he'll be a bit like lightening.

Hmmm teeth!

William stands up to show the world his teeth are coming!

Mother's Group

On Thursdays we meet for Mother's Group. Pictured are Sarah-Abigail(6 mo) with her Mom, Rose, William (5 mo) with his Mom, Rachel, Khalil (4 mo) with his Mom, Cassandra. It's great to compare where we've been and where we are going!

08 March 2009


I made a card for my father-in-law with this picture - Philippe was 6 months when it was taken. There's a striking (by striking I mean - wow if Father and Son are clones, pregnancy was quite a chore ;-) resemblance.