30 June 2015

May 2015

We painted the kitchen, living room, Caroline's, Nicolas' and William's rooms.  Wow!
Tulips in our back garden.  I mentioned to my neighbor that we didn't plant them.  She said, "Dig them up and replant them if you can't appreciate what was left to you."  Yeah for gratitude and yard work accomplished by someone else.

After another over-long winter the park is EXTRAORDINARY

She outgrew her tricycle over the winter.

After a week of renovations, we took a weekend trip to Toronto.

The petting zoo was highly interactive.

April 2015

Easter with Tom, Sarah & Keller.

First flowers of Spring

Caroline catching Conference.

"Better with age" applies aptly to our "Mamie"

Who is reading to who?

March 2015

William put a balloon on his nose, my gloves on his hands and feet, and  a bathrobe belt for a tail, to demonstrate what he'd look like if he were a Proboscis monkey. No more wondering what if on this point!

This is the Annual General Meeting for the library.  Clearly, I'm telling a story.

Caroline likes her hair in braids because of the movie Frozen. 

Like every other household with a young daughter, the "Frozen Fever" is a-cute...

Did I mention "Frozen Fever?"

Symptoms include putting ice-cream buckets on your head! It's getting a-cute(r) all the time!