18 August 2010

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory - 7 Aug. 2010

The flavor graveyard and park were as entertaining as the tour - The "dairy-air" joke made me laugh like a 12-year-old boy. Writing this creates an immediate "Chunky Monkey" craving. (I'm easily enticed lately...)

Could cookie dough be any sweeter?

Boston, 6 Aug. 2010

Philippe indulged me and we spent the majority of the day visiting The Freedom Trail. Seeing the gravestones of the Hancock and Franklin families was an Americana pilgramage.

Boston was an exceptional study of historic co-existing with incrementally modern.

Family Portrait - more-than-worthy to be in my wallet.

Salem, Mass. - 5 Aug. 2010

Lest you think it's a warlock, it's the rare non-witch-related attraction in the city's center. The statue is of Roger Conant who was the area's first govenor in 1629. The witch trials held here in 1692 are part of Americana mythology - highlighted by the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Arthur Miller. When we read the actual facts at the polished National Park Headquarters, we were surprised to learn that while 100's had been accused, only 19 had been hung. Philippe commented, "19 false witches have given rise to an entire industry of people who claim to be real ones." I remember reading in my teens in the Larousse French Encyclopedia an entry on Reno, "Quick Divorce." Neither city could be so single-faceted.

A few unexpected highlights:
While there we happened upon an Edsel convention. The luxury Ford was made for fewer than two years - a blue collar tuxedo couldn't ever be the beau of the ball. We spoke with an enthusiast who was more than willing to offer details on his beloved like "8 cylinders, push button steering wheel transmission..." I wouldn't tense at seeing the Sheriff's Edsel in my rear-view mirror.

A rain storm forced us inside a swanky hotel lobby. William slept while Philippe and I exchanged sections of the Wall Street Journal. Ultimate leisure!

Ye Olde Pepper Companie dates from 1806. The on-site factory is located across from the House of Seven Gables. Their dark chocolate turtles are life-changing. Oprah agrees. The chatty clerk told me this as well as her birthdate, her son's interests and Bewitched history.

09 August 2010

Rockport, Cape Ann, Massachussets - 4 Aug 2010

We had intended to go on a Harbour Tour. We literally missed the boat. The salty sea-captain said we couldn't miss the port parallel to the "big tree." For a girl raised in the desert "big tree" is highly relative ;-). We consoled ourselves by taking a tour of town (There was an abundance of art galleries - an absence of convenience stores.) The tide on "Front Beach" made for increasingly less beach front - enough still for a studio sand castle.

New Hampton Beach - 3 Aug 2010

For William, the beach was a lesser-thrill than captaining a fire-truck on the boardwalk. The park included a flag pole. On the same mast are strung the New Hampshire and Quebec flags. The parking lots had as many US plates as Quebec.

Wavy hair, wavy arms, wavy ocean...

Ogunquit, Maine - 2 Aug 2010

This was the first beach we visited. It is amazing to me that we started from Quebec in the morning and by evening had travelled through Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. (The 13 original colonies collectively seem smaller than California. "Amazing" wouldn't be the adjective I'd express for a Truckee to San Francisco day-trip...)

White Mountains, New Hampshire 2 Aug 2010

Our first stop on our New England "Holiday" was in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Here is one of a series of scenic shots.