31 December 2013

December 2013

The live ACTION Christmas Pageant was a highlight of the season

Caroline's received a play stroller & horses for her birthday - this is her take on horse carriage....

This was the first round of decorations hung happily in clusters, low on the tree.

Frosty the snow blob was molded where we'd previously drawn tropical fishes with pastel chalk.

It isn't the first time a cardinal has visited.  The red's all the more dramatic against the frost "decor."

Sans gingerbread, we settled for a graham cracker shack.

11 December 2013

November 2013

Big Enough for Blocks

All the children were napping; I should have napped too, but a few "architectural embellishments" were irresistible.

First snow.

Nicolas is joyful.

14 November 2013

October 2013

02 Oct - Montreal Botanical Gardens PLAYground

Bonne Fête King William

Fall leaves to love

Eve carved a pumpkin for us

We took a micro-vacation to Ottawa and visited the Agricultural Museum & Science and Technology Museums. They are all the more fascinating when seen through the eyes of preschoolers.

Science and Technology Museum

Greenfield Park Halloween Party

05 October 2013

September 2013

There's another story lady/girl in the house!

Call Cute-1-1

This isn't our first party with a pinata - both W & C love that breaking things is conversely applauded and encouraged.

11 August 2013

August 2013

Nicolas is solidly smiley.
William drew the Cat's hat - what are his influences?

William helps Caroline on her first spin with her new wheels! 

Train Museum with Mamie

July 2013

Caroline gave each stuffed animal a chair, two toys and reading material. How thoughtfully thorough! 

Picking currents in our back yard!

Oka Beach

Nothing makes a family room more familiar than family! Nelly & Hubert's visit is like Christmas in July.

Modest artist

I like having the baby toys out again.

Driftwood horses at the Botanical Gardens.

Mother Nature sculpture.  Another onlooker commented, "Have you ever seen something so beautiful."  Extraordinary.

17 July 2013

If the Brady Bunch had toddlers...

The house we purchased was built in 1959.  I believe these renovations were completed in 1969.  The cumulative style is "toddler funk!"

June 2013

Mama in chalk is better than my name in lights!

We drew fish with chalk on OUR patio!

The "Mami-Razzi" captured this cute pic of St. Nic

Family joys

12 June 2013


Our mountain of boxes grew larger

In our new neighborhood!

Flowers in our yard.

May 2013

Caroline as cute as a stegosaurus in a book

Nicolas at 2 months

Kisses make it better

The family that reads together

Aye, aye Captain(e)

Love those legs!