14 July 2009

My Singular Uncle, Aunt & Cousin - 18 May

We visited my Uncle John & Aunt Pat and my Cousin Trisha & her girls in Salt Lake City. My Aunt & Uncle gave us an insider's tour of Temple Square. The roof of the conference center had exceptional views. The artwork inside was a Mormon Louvre. Trisha took us to meet some of her other cousins - in that she's my only cousin, it was unfathomable to meet a houseful of hers.

There's nothing better than Sunday family dinner - especially with homemade foccacia bread, lasagne and meringue for dessert!

1 comment:

RhubarbLady said...

You're so kind-thank you, thank you. Words of praise are always in style.

I asked one of those cousins if they really make horchata (see my recent blogposts) to stretch milk and she said yes. Milk is expensive and often very hard to obtain in South and Central America so it is common to make horchata. I say all this because I think you would love it and it's not hard to make.

Now I want to have a tour of the conference center-we've never gotten to see the view, rather only a little of the inside which is, indeed, beautiful.