08 March 2009


I made a card for my father-in-law with this picture - Philippe was 6 months when it was taken. There's a striking (by striking I mean - wow if Father and Son are clones, pregnancy was quite a chore ;-) resemblance.


Sarah said...

WOW. That looks just like William! And at the same time WOW I see why my Mom said I looked like Philippe as a baby, too. I definitely see the resemblance in my own baby pictures. You know I wore blue the whole first year of my life? Yeah...Mami had a dream I was a boy and went on a little pre-baby boy shopping spree ...turns out not so much! :)

RhubarbLady said...

Oh, this brings back memories of Grandma's pictures and a orange polyester outfit that my mom loved. And yes! what a resemblance-though I'm sure his love of books comes from both of his wonderful parents.

BHK said...

You were right Rachel. The resemblance is striking!

How wonderful to have those pictures and being able to recognize the "seed" of the same line through the fruit of the creation. How beautiful the touch of the Master in His designs.

Now we are awaiting the advent of the brother or sister of William.

No pressure :)

Love, Brigitte