18 August 2008

Storytime for 175 - 29 July 2008

The scheduled performer, Ishkabibble the Magician, cancelled 12 minutes before showtime. A teacher implored, "Isn't there a Librarian who could do a storytime?" I've waited a decade to hear the equivalent of "Is there a Librarian in the house?" I graciously accepted the invitation. I expected a crowd of 40. 175 ultimately gathered in the park. The picture is of me leading "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes" en masse.


RhubarbLady said...

Cousin Trisha here-yeah, a new post! I think you look great leading the group. I've been with the County library system for over a year now (sub shelver) and I still enjoy going to work. We're just natural library people although I think your job is probably a bit more exciting than mine.

RhubarbLady said...

Cousin Trisha again-I'm assuming we'll all hear when you've got new additions to your life. I know I'm really excited to hear about your growing family.