05 August 2014

Beach - East Coast Style

My Beach Boys

Beach Girls

This Miss America photo-op on the Atlantic City Boardwalk is for contestants 5'6"and under - subsequently, I bent my knees and princess-waved for the camera.

Philippe said' "Let's go to Atlantic City and see the Casinos!"  For a Nevada girl that's like The Coliseum for Romans.  Maybe the Caesar statue inspires the analogy.


Nicolas is wearing a different hat in each photo. Nice of Caroline to have shared.

X-Men, W-Boy.

Wave jumping.

Family Portrait - hair and sunburns courtesy of the best day ever.


What's more summer than a carousel ride?

04 August 2014

Keller's Baby Blessing

When we asked at an information kiosk where was the best place to "rest" with a family, we were directed to Dutchman's landing in New York State (definitely not city.) The lakeside park was very much a breath of fresh, open, air. 

En route to Dutchman's landing we passed through a village.  Ghengis Khat (?) was high sidewalk art.

Tom's Parents, Amaya and 8 Lemblés from Montreal celebrated Keller's baby blessing.  He is pure Lemblé.

Nicolas is the grandchild and Keller is the great-grandchild.  There's just a little over 1 year between two generations.

Keller, Sarah & Tom

Nicolas slept in the NYC Metro - so adaptable

Oh, Canada!

Greenfield Park sponsors an annual Canada Day Parade.  Nicolas and Philippe waxed patriotic.

03 August 2014

June 2014

Doing it himself!

We are NOT thinking outside the box

Planting tomatoes

Our "selfie"