They are so easy to photograph reading! |
Auto-biography? |
In the Joseph Smith Log Home |
Palmyra Temple |
L'heure de conte avec Tatie Nelly |
Jumping in with both feet at the neighborhood pool |
Parc de la cité |
We train them early |
For Science Club we studied bugs and made hand print butterflies |
The sloth at the Biodome is on display - otherwise they are like sasquatch, "there have been sightings..." |
Celebrating slow-living - we'd like to appropriate their welcome sign in our "habitat haven" |
Lemblé literati |
Urbanites go rural for a day and take photos to prove it. |
My Beach Boys |
Beach Girls |
This Miss America photo-op on the Atlantic City Boardwalk is for contestants 5'6"and under - subsequently, I bent my knees and princess-waved for the camera. |
Philippe said' "Let's go to Atlantic City and see the Casinos!" For a Nevada girl that's like The Coliseum for Romans. Maybe the Caesar statue inspires the analogy. |
Irresistible. |
Nicolas is wearing a different hat in each photo. Nice of Caroline to have shared. |
X-Men, W-Boy. |
Wave jumping. |
Family Portrait - hair and sunburns courtesy of the best day ever. |
Chillin' |
What's more summer than a carousel ride? |
En route to Dutchman's landing we passed through a village. Ghengis Khat (?) was high sidewalk art. |
Tom's Parents, Amaya and 8 Lemblés from Montreal celebrated Keller's baby blessing. He is pure Lemblé. |
Nicolas is the grandchild and Keller is the great-grandchild. There's just a little over 1 year between two generations. |
Keller, Sarah & Tom |
Nicolas slept in the NYC Metro - so adaptable |