27 July 2010

It's a girl - C'est une fille!

We had the sonogram Monday morning. The doctor said it is a girl! William is learning to say "sister/soeur" We are perfectly happy. Look closely at the sonogram image to see her face... Philippe jokes, "Can the child look like me this time..."

02 July 2010

Philippe's 40th

I love my older man! What lungs (heart, mind, might, etc!) The fire-works are on top of a French-style cake I made. Philippe supervised and pronounced me a worthy sous-chef. The easy part was separating 6 egg whites...

William is the consumate host. Here he shakes Grandpa's hand and says,"Bonjour!"

Young at heart - 24 June 2010

Philippe swings away his youth.

William is more of the slide persuasion. Tati Eve helped him up, Papa caught him. I acted as the Mama-razzi.