25 June 2010

Rachel Anne visits Montreal - June 2010

Rachel Anne visited for a week. She took 300+ photos making me appreciate all that is Montreal.

16 June 2010


With his mega-blocks and his Papa, William executes exceptional towers.

Storytime with Grandma Jean - 1 June

William thrilled at having an extra storyteller at his immediate disposal. When he was dissatisfied with my end-of-the-day-lack-luster performance, he snatched "Seals on the Bus" from my hands and gave it to a fresh performer.

Palmyra - 28-29 May

Mom came for a delightful, magnificent, all together lovely (select any other number of superlatives) visit the last week of May. A highlight was a trip to Palmyra. Here are some favorite photos:

William in front of the Book of Mormon monument at the Hill Cumorah

The Angel Moroni Monument on the Hill Cumorah

The Grandin Press where the Book of Mormon was first published

The Palmyra Temple overlooking the Sacred Grove

A replica of the Smith Family Log Home

The Sacred Grove

Family Portrait

Park - 24 May 2010

Philippe and William took advantage of near perfect weather to go to the neighboring park. The fact that he's wearing his hat was worth a photo!