25 October 2008

It's my party!

We held the baby shower after William's birth. He ate right before the party started and slept angelically with his grandmothers. Aunt Leah sent him the threads! (Everyone loves a well-dressed man.) We were completely spoiled by family and friends from my present and former wards. My friend Joanna organized the shower and we played games such as "Change the baby doll blind-folded," "Guess that baby food," (Universally, the squash/broccoli was denounced as inedible.) and "What baby item is inside the bag?" Fun!

Picture from left to right: Arlene May, Grandma Lemble, William, Me, Natalie Lahache, Grandma Jean, Veronique Jensen, & Melanie Raecke

Grandma Jean - 23 Oct. 2008

Grandma Jean came for a visit on 23 Oct. 2008. She brings lots of love and hand-made blankets from Nevada.

22 October 2008

Father Son Time

Philippe suggested that he and William could start playing tennis soon. They ponder together.

Doctor Visit - 21 Oct. 2008

William had his first check-up on 21 Oct. 2008. He received an A++. He now weighs 10 1/2 lbs (4.8 kg) and measures 22 1/2" (57.5 cm) That's more than 2 lbs (1 kg) and 1" (3.5 cm) growth since birth. Clearly, advanced!

08 October 2008

Family Portrait - 08 Oct. 2008

It's hard to get a picture with everyone's eyes open. ;-)

First Bath

The adorable factor is omnipresent. He's likewise cute when he eats, when we change him, when he sleeps...

2nd & 20th Grandchild

For Philippe's parents, this is their second grandchild. Their first was born 24 years before. Grandma Lemblé was one of his first visitors.

For my parents, this is the twentieth.

"Papa" - razzi

Philippe can't resist taking photos of William. It's clear why.

A bundle of 8 lbs, 7 oz (3,85 kg) of joy

William weighed 8 lbs, 7 ounces at birth. (3,85kg) He measured 21 1/4 inches (54 cm.)

Worth the Wait for William

We arrived at the LaSalle Hospital at 3:15 AM Thursday morning. The contractions were coming consistently about 4 minutes apart. All was progressing except dilation. The nursing staff suggested we walk for an hour. This was the first of three snail-paced hour-long walks. After 14+ hours at the Hospital, we were admitted into a room. The contractions were coming a minute apart. I accepted an epidural and oxytocin. The baby who had been exceptionally active throughout labor decided to relax. Even after the water was broken, he resisted his debut. I couldn't appreciate his coyness at the moment. They urged him to action. Philippe enthusiastically coached, "Just one more strong push." I held his hand in a less-than-gentle-bone-density-test-sort-of-way ;-) At 12:13 AM, 22 hours from our arrival, William Antoine Thomas Lemble arrived. The doctor performed artful needle work and introduced him to his immediately doting parents. We love him more than we knew how to love!