15 January 2007

13 January 2007 - Skating is unnatural for a desert dweller...

This was my first lap around the rink at the Old Montreal Port - by the 25th lap, I had only faltered once...in a while. Philippe instructed that it was like "walking." I "walked" with my legs in a perpetual inverted "V" and my ankles awkwardly angled. I'm glad winter sport competency is not a requisite for official residency ;-).

7 Jan 2007 - 34!

We celebrated my birthday at a family dinner. It's my favorite way to celebrate. In the photo, I am next to my Mother-in-law and in front of one of three desserts served for the event! In Primary they sang to me. At work they made me a crown. This does feel like "happily ever after.."

6 Jan 2007 - The only thing better than your own wedding...

is attending the wedding and reception (reception translated in French is 5+ hours of food and partying - not a pillow mint on the premises) of friends. Francois & Brigitte's wedding is the 3rd wedding we've attended in less than a year. Philippe started an exceptional trend by marrying me.

04 January 2007

Nöel, Nöel!

Dad came to visit for Christmas with the Lemblés. It made it all the merrier. On Christmas Eve we stuffed ourselves (rather than a turkey) with hor d'oeurves and dessert. We sang carols - bilingually and elected the youngest member of the family present as "The Elf." My "elf" hat lit up. Fun and festive!

03 January 2007

Hummus Happiness - Dec. 06

We met the Jarvises and the Kaufmans for dinner at a Lebanese restaurant. Clever conversation, fresh food and kind friends make Montréal a happy home.

Mother Goose Moms and Me - Nov. 06

On Thursdays, We sing and chant nursery rhymes to a very discriminating audience of toddlers and mothers. It's exceptional training for when I get my M.O.M. degree ;-)

Lunch for Two chez Mt. Orford - Oct. 06

With Philippe’s Aunt and Uncle we drove to Mt. Orford, Quebec. A promotional “leaflet” announced in French, “La Flambée des couleurs” literally the “flaming of colors.” Leaves “flame” with the same beauty that flowers bloom.

Philippe gives me Phlowers - Sept 06

Philippe took an extra vacation day and we traveled to Mt. Tremblant. I had requested that we visit a place where there was a town, a mountain and a lake. He delivered precisely.

I can fly...almost - Aug. 06

My Sister-in-Law has given me her "flyer" and we take full advantage of Summer Saturdays.

Not so Ancient Greece - July 06

We added a few days in New York City to our Honeymoon. The visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art was a petite proxy to an old world tour.

Ping Pong in Paradise - 28 June 06

The Cruise Ship docked at a private island in the Bahamas. As per obligation, we had already run up and down the pristine beach and swam in the turquoise waters pictured in the brochure.

02 January 2007

Wedded Bliss - 17 June 2006

For more wedding photos, copy this link into your browser: http://www.kodakgallery.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?&collid=253314917105.389289819305.1167794418210&page=1